Fall 2009 brought a group of strangers together and by chance sought to unify fifteen truly unique individuals under one sisterhood. The Delta Class of the Gamma Chapter dubbed themselves as the “WOLFIES”, consisting of: Bad Butt, Bunny, Piglet, La Qui Qui, Giselle, Baller, CJ, Flo-Rida, Schweety, Hater, Silly, G-mama, Gnomes, Princess Jane, and Tarzan. These girls encountered the ups and downs of life and were there for each other every step of the way. They shared adventures like crazy car rides to San Diego, countless boba runs, numerous verses of “Down” by Jay Sean, beach bonfires, shopping sprees at the 99 cent store, and getting lost in the ghettos of Los Angeles. In their long weeks together the Wolfies grew in their bonds with each other while being influenced to become women of character and strength. No matter where life takes them, the ladies of the delta class will always be there for each other, remembering that the strength of the wolf is the strength of the pack.
Class Facts:
- New Member Educator: Angela Cortes (F)
- Class Name: Wolfies
- Sisters: 15
- Class Song: Down -Jay Sean
- Class Quote: "Be Fearless."