In September of 2011, fourteen unique individuals set out on a journey in hopes of finding a common purpose: an unbreakable sisterhood that would be able to withstand any situation. After several weeks of trial and error, they were able to get past all the negativity and doubts that surrounded them. In the times of despair, these 14 individuals leaned on each other for love, support, strength, and laughter. From funny accents, car rides, and infinite pinky promises, they’ve shared heart-to-heart moments, endless laughs, and outrageous stories that bestowed the irreplaceable memories constituted within those weeks. Big Red, Squirtle, Fobio, Gus Gus, Angry Bird, ANTM, Yelp!, X-Factor, A-Woww, GG, Dexter, Brat, Sweetheart, and Gramz make up the Eta Class of the Gamma Chapter, a class of contingent, heartfelt women. Each sister developed into a passionate, unyielding woman and brings something distinctive to the sisterhood, but will always be better together; believing, having hope, and rising as one.

Class Facts:

  • New Member Educator: Frances Olivia Chanco (A)
  • Class Name: Bad Etas
  • Sisters: 14
  • Class Song: I Believe - Yolanda Adams
  • Class Quote: "Fall 7 times, Stand up H."