On February 18, 2009, seven girls were brought together to embark on a journey of a life time. They began as strangers not knowing what was in store for them, but knew that the only way to finish their journey was to work together, and most importantly, to stay together. Only the strongest survived the hardships that brought them one step closer to where they are now. They came upon redefining moments which demonstrated their gains and losses along the road however; they persevered and were courageous enough to let their passions drive them to continue. The Gamma Class of the Gamma Chapter learned that their bond as a class is what creates their sisterhood and ultimately adds amazing color to their lives because of the life-changing experiences. People come and go, but their sisterhood is forever.
Class Facts:
New Member Educator: Melissa Rose de Jesus (F)
Class Name: Gammalicious
Sisters: 7
Class Song: Miley Cyrus - The Climb
Class Quote: "Only the Strongest will Survive."